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Monthly fee collection - Account balance - Mercado Pago Developers

Collections month by month in Available Money report

We show you how to see your Mercado Pago account collections month by month in Available Money report.

Collections month by month activity

Number of installments chosen by buyer sets number of payments you receive. So viewing payments is different from traditional release schedule.

How to see your collections

Sale will be divided into number of installments it was made with. Therefore, this report will show each installment separately since each of them has a different release date. That is, each installment belongs to a different month.

Column DESCRIPTION identifies the installment with installment value and column INSTALLMENTS show the number of installment each refers to.

Ejemplo de liberación de cuota

Types of refunds

You can see your refunds in different ways by type and installments released.

Total refunds

If total refund, you will see the detail of all installments in your report and, at the same time, the relevant full payment refund.

Column DESCRIPTION identifies each installment with installment value and total refund as refund.

If in doubt about payment installments, search activity with the same SOURCE_ID.

Ejemplo de reembolso antes de liberar alguna cuota

Have the Glossary of the Available Balance report on hand to review it when needed or want to review a technical term.

Partial refund

If partial refund before first collection, number of installments and relevant amounts will be updated accordingly. In case you have received some payment, it will be deducted from total refund pending collection and installment amount will be specified again.

If refund is higher than amount pending receipt, don't worry, the next report will show difference amount debited to complete it.


Your report shows when a chargeback or mediation is resolved in favor of buyer. You will see a list of all installments, or those pending release, and the total amount for payment chargeback.

To identify this case, column DESCRIPTION show chargeback value for chargebacks of already collected installments.

If in doubt about payment installments, search activity with the same SOURCE_ID.

Ejemplo de contracargo

Installments in advance

If you ask for an advance you will see all the installments in advance and relevant fee in the report.

Column DESCRIPTION identifies each installment with installment value and fee as fee-release_in_advance.

Ejemplo de adelanto de cuotas

Have the Glossary of the Available Balance report on hand to review it when needed or want to review a technical term.