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Additional information about notifications - Notifications - Mercado Pago Developers

Additional information about notifications

In this documentation, you will find additional information about notifications, including special considerations depending on the solution you have integrated, specific aspects of certain topics, and examples of particular notifications for your reference.

Card Updater

Card Updater is a feature for product integrations with recurring payments that updates card data, whether expired or incorrect, and updates this information within Mercado Pago.

This process is triggered by a rejected payment, where the verification done by Card Updater can either generate a new card_id for a customer (in cases of data entry errors or card changes) or keep the previously generated card_id while updating the database with the correct card information.

In either case, a Webhooks notification will be sent as shown below:


  "action": "card.updated",
  "api_version": "v1",
  "application_id": 8339021212080291,
  "data": {
    "customer_id": "12345678-aluyasdhfyt",
    "new_card_id": 50000102202,
    "old_card_id": 50000006036
  "date_created": "2024-01-11T15:23:53-03:00",
  "id": "a47fc06844bf4e418a03aeab1479c496",
  "live_mode": true,
  "type": "automatic-payments",
  "user_id": 1197520450,
  "version": 1
actioncard.updated is the only possible value and indicates when a customer's card was updated.
application_idIdentifier of the application being notified.
dataThis field contains the update details, such as the customer_id (customer identifier), the new card_id, and the old card_id. If a new card_id is not created, the original one is resent.
date_createdCreation date of the notification.
idExclusive identifier of the event, prevents duplicate messages.
live_modeIndicates if the informed URL is valid.
typeThis value will always be automatic-payments.
user_idIdentifier of the user to whom the notification is sent.

Integrações Point

This topic allows you to receive notifications about status updates in payment intents created for Point integrations. When activating it, you should keep in mind:

  • "Payment intent" and "payment" are not the same. By activating this topic, you will receive updates about the calls created to initiate a payment. To receive notifications about the payment itself, you must activate the payments topic through Your integrations.
  • It is not possible to configure this topic at the moment of creating a payment. Its configuration must be done through Your integrations.
  • You can check the notifications corresponding to the different statuses of payment intents by accessing the specific Mercado Pago Point documentation.


To activate notifications for your Subscriptions integration, you should keep in mind:

  • If you have integrated Subscriptions with associated plans, you must activate the subscription_preapproval_plan topic to receive alerts about the creation or update of a Plan.
  • If you have integrated Subscriptions without associated plans, you must activate the subscription_preapproval topic to receive alerts about the creation or update of a pending payment subscription, or the subscription_authorized_payment topic for updates on authorized payment subscriptions.
  • In all cases, you should also activate the payments topic, which will allow you to receive notifications about payments associated with those subscriptions when they are made.

Checkout Pro

If you have integrated with Checkout Pro and want to receive notifications, you should keep in mind:

  • Activating the merchant_orders topic will allow you to receive alerts about the creation and updates of orders.
  • Additionally, activating the payments topic will be useful for keeping your database up to date, as it will notify you about updates to the payments corresponding to those generated orders.

Fraud alerts

If a fraud alert is detected, and you have the stop_delivery_op_wh topic activated, you will receive a notification like the following:


    "action": "Created",
    "api_version": "v1",
    "data": {
        "description": "desc",
        "merchant_order": 249940988000,
        "payment_id": 58980959081,
        "site_id": "MLA"
    "date_created": "2022-07-23T23:03:5704:00",
    "id": "58980959081",
    "live_mode": true,
    "type": "stop_delivery_op_wh",
    "user_id": 224403329,
    "version": 1

It includes the details of the order that triggered the alert, under the merchant_order parameter, and the payment_id associated with the payment. With this information, you should proceed to cancel the order without delivering it by making a requisition to the cancellations API.

Please note that this type of notification does not adhere to the usual retry logic. If you do not respond with an HTTP STATUS 200 (OK) or 201 (CREATED) upon receipt, the notification will be lost and will not be resent.


In cases where notifications for the topic topic_claims_integration_wh have been activated, a Webhooks notification will be sent when a claim or chargeback is initiated, as shown below:


    "action": "Created",
    "api_version": "v1",
    "data": {
        "description": "desc",
        "merchant_order": 249940988000,
        "payment_id": 58980959081,
        "site_id": "MLA"
    "date_created": "2022-07-23T23:03:5704:00",
    "id": "58980959081",
    "live_mode": true,
    "type": "stop_delivery_op_wh",
    "user_id": 224403329,
    "version": 1
actionNotification event, indicating whether it is the creation of a resource or its update.
api_versionValue indicating the API version sending the notification.
data.idUnique identifier of the claim or chargeback.
data.resourceType of notification received. In this case, it indicates notifications related to claims.
date_createdNotification creation date.
idReceived notification identifier.
live_modeIndicates if the provided URL is valid.
typeType of notification received, according to the previously selected topic. In this case, it will always be claim.
user_id User identifier for whom the notification is sent.


In cases where notifications for the topic topic_chargebacks_wh have been activated, a Webhooks notification will be sent when a chargeback is initiated or its status is changed, as shown below:



Offline payment methods

If you have integrated payments with offline payment methods and configured your notifications with the payments topic, you should know that all changes in payment status will be notified to you.

This also applies to expired payments: their status will change from pending to cancelled, and the corresponding alert will be sent to your system.

QR Code

If you integrated with QR Code and wish to receive notifications, please note the following:

  • Webhooks notifications cannot be configured through Your integrations. You must set them up when creating a payment.
  • Consequently, it is not possible to validate the origin of notifications using the x-Signature header. For alternative methods to verify the origin of these notifications, please contact Mercado Pago Support.
  • The activation of the merchant_orders topic will allow you to receive alerts about order creation and updates. While the topic sends a status=opened, it will be the notification with status=closed that will securely certify that the generated order has been paid.

It is not possible to configure notifications for Payment links generated through the Mercado Pago Panel.