How to migrate to the new version of the Mercado Pago plugin - Tiendanube - Mercado Pago Developers
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How to migrate to the new version of the Mercado Pago plugin

Find out how to migrate to the current version of the Mercado Pago plugin for Tiendanube.

To perform the migration correctly, it is essential that you are logged into the main Mercado Pago account you use to receive payments.

Install the new plugin

  1. In your store's Administrative Panel at Tiendanube, go to Potentialize > My apps.
  2. Locate the Mercado Pago payment method and click Install.
  3. Give your consent to the application's permissions and, finally, click on Accept.
  4. You will be redirected to a Mercado Pago page to access with your data. Click Allow to authorize the connection.
Right now you will have both versions of the plugin installed on your site. This will prevent your store from being without payment methods while the migration steps are being carried out.

Deactivate the old plugin

After installing the new version, it is necessary to uninstall the old version following the step by step below.

  1. In your store's Administrative Panel at Tiendanube, go to Potentialize > My apps.
  2. Locate the Mercado Pago plugin in the list of applications and click on Configure application.
  3. In the list of payment methods, locate the Mercado Pago plugin in the payment methods list and click on Uninstall.
Be careful to not uninstall the new version.