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Card Payment - Checkout Bricks - Mercado Pago Developers

Card Payment Brick

Card Payment Brick offers a payment form with an optimized design and different themes, providing all the necessary fields to make a payment with a credit and/or debit card, and includes the necessary mechanisms to automatically receive the necessary data to create the payment in the back end.

This Brick, in addition to containing the fields to collect the personal data of the cardholder (name of the cardholder and ID), also has fields to collect the card number, the expiration date and the security code (CVV), which already comply with PCI security standards, eliminating the need to process this data.

In addition to collecting the necessary fields to make the payment, this component also helps the user to complete the screen with alerts for incomplete fields and possible input errors. See below the main features of this Brick.

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Element for view


The Card Payment Brick layout is based on the best UX practices, so that it is possible to offer the best shopping experience without having to worry about design details. The layout offers the elements detailed below.


Accepted title and flags

Property: formTitle
Value (title): Credit or debit card
Label: N/A
Placeholder: N/A
Type: text/image
Format: N/A
Max. characters: N/A

*Flags are displayed along with the title. The only customization available for them is to hide them along with the form title, no longer displaying that information.
Card number input field

Property: cardNumber
Value: N/A
Label: Card number
Placeholder: 1234 1234 1234 1234
Type: number
Format: N/A
Max. characters: depending on the issuer it can vary between 15 and 16.
customizable (label, placeholder)
Card expiration date input field

Property: expirationDate
Value: N/A
Label: expiration date
Placeholder: MM/AA
Type: date
Format: MM/AA
Max. characters: 5

customizable (label, placeholder)
Security code input field

Property: securityCode
Value: N/A
Label: Security code
Placeholder: 1234
Type: integer
Format: N/A

Max. characters: 4

customizable (label, placeholder and maximum of wrong characters)
Card cardholder name input field

Property: cardholderName
Value: N/A
Label: Name of the holder as it appears on the card
Placeholder: João Silva
Type: string
Format: N/A
Max. characters: 100

customizable (label, placeholder, type, format and maximum of wrong characters.)
Cardholder ID selection field

Property: cardholderIdentificationType
Value: CPF, CNPJ
Label: ID
Placeholder: N/A
Type: select
Format: N/A
Max. characters: N/A
customizable (label, placeholder)

*If the document type and number data were previously provided and saved, this element becomes optional.
Cardholder ID number input field

Property: cardholderIdentificationNumber
Value: N/A
Label: N/A
Placeholder: 999.999.999-99 para CPF ou 99.999.9999/9999-99 para CNPJ .
Type: number
Format: N/A
Max. characters: N/A

non customizable (label, placeholder)
Buyer’s email input field

Property: email
Value: N/A
Label: Email
Placeholder: joaosilva@email.com
Type: string
Formato: conventional email format (example@email.com)
Max. characters: X
customizable (label, placeholder)

*If the data was previously provided and saved, this element becomes optional.
Payment button

Property: formSubmit
Value: [imagen] Pay
Label: N/A
Placeholder: N/A
Type: text
callback: onSubmit
function: promise(cardFormData)
Concealable and customizable

*The function receives the data from the form, including the card token, and presents a loading animation.