Our levels
Certified Partner | Silver Partner | Gold Partner | Platinum Partner | |
Your customers' average income* | Between R$ 0 and R$ 2.499/mes | Between R$ 2.500 and R$ 199.999/month | Between R$ 200.000 and R$ 490.000/mes | Over R$ 490.000 per month |
Revaluation period | Every 3 months | Every 6 months | Every 6 months | Every 6 months |
* Este monto se refiere a la suma de la facturación promedio mensual de todos tus clientes identificados con tu Integrator ID de Mercado Pago y que procesan pagos con nuestros productos online mientras dure el programa. Los montos son en dólar tipo cambio oficial.
How our financial incentives work
Average turnover | Average turnover (after 60 processing days) | Incentive 2 (after 120 processing days) |
Between R$ 15.000,00 and R$ 100.000,00 | R$ 100,00 | R$ 300,00 |
Between R$ 100.001,00 and R$ 200.000,00 | R$ 400,00 | R$ 400,00 |
Over R$ 200.000,00 | R$ 600,00 | R$ 1.400,00 |
* The average monthly billing amount considers operations and payments made for each unique integration, and not the sum of the integrations assigned to your Integrator ID.
The participants of the program will only have the right to receive the amount referred to the period in which the volume of transactions is reached by the identified integration, since the amounts are not cumulative. That is, if your customer reaches an average monthly turnover between R$ 15,000.00 and R$ 100,000.00 after 60 days, you will receive only R$ 300,00.
The amounts in this table may be subject to tax deductions or charges applicable to this type of payment, under the fiscal and tax laws in force at the time of payment.
The amount of your bonus will be automatically available in your Mercado Pago account up to 3 weeks after the counting date.